Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Gamma Phi Beta and SAE Blood Drive Today!!

Members of Gamma Phi Beta in front of their house
Photo by: Gamma Phi Beta CSULB

As a busy semester is winding down, many sororities and fraternities are are still working hard to raise money for their philanthropies. Gamma Phi Beta and Sigma Alpha Epsilon are among these chapters, and are planning to have a successful blood drive today at the Gamma Phi Beta house. Their sorority philanthropy is the Long Beach Red Cross so the event benefitted a cause that they have been working with for quite some time.

"One of the girls wanted to do it after the disaster in Japan, we had done it before and were really excited to do it again" said Heather McFarland, a member Gamma Phi Beta. Of course the Red Cross can not guarantee that the blood will go straight to Japan, but we still know that is going to a great and well respected cause. Gamma Phi Beta has also hosted blood drives in the past and have always had a great turn out, and hope to have the same today.

Recently, the Red Cross has done so much work to help aid the people of Japan. Over 2,500 houses in Japan were completely collapsed with another 2,500 damaged, according to the Red Cross website. In 24 hours, the Red Cross also dispatched 62 response teams which consisted of nearly 400 doctors, nurses, and other staff. They offered medical clinics in the affected areas, as well as assessing just how bad the damage is.

There will also be a bake sale at the house to raise additional money for the cause. They are all homemade and promise to be delicious. The event starts at 12pm and will last until 5pm. They encourage both Greek and non-Greek members to attend and support the Red Cross. "I like to give blood because it is nice to know that I could potentially save a life" McFarland said. It is one of the last philanthropy events of the year, and is a great way to give back to the community.

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