Friday, April 15, 2011

Greek Sing: Superheroes Vs. Villains!

The Superheros Represented in this Year's Greek Week

Yet another exciting Greek Week was kicked off with the fan favorite production put on by the Greek Community called Greek Sing. For those who have never heard of or attended this event, it is a performance that includes singing, dancing, and even a little acting. The tickets sold to the event helped to raise money for Camp One Heartland who provides summer camps for children with AIDS.

For the show, different fraternities and sororities teamed up with their Greek Week partners and were assigned a superhero to portray for the production. As always, all seven teams brought a production that greatly entertained and wowed the audience. The night started off with a little entertainment from the pint size judge, Colin Baiocchi from Little Fockers, break dancing for the whole audience to see. Another well known face judging the performances was Jonathan Bennett, who was best known for playing Aaron Samuels in the movie Mean Girls. After the judge introductions and the singing of the national anthem, the lineup of performances began.

The show started off with team 1, Pi Kappa Phi, Phi Kappa Psi, and Sigma Kappa, portraying the superhero Thor. They were extremely creative with moving backdrops, strong dances, and an attractive Thor played by Pi Kappa Phi member Nick Andrade. Team 2 was assigned Superman and was presented by Delta Zeta, Sigma Pi, and Lambda Theta Phi. They were a force to be reckoned with with strong choreography, acting, and props. Team 3 which included Alpha Phi, Delta Chi, SAE, and FIJI was team Batman and pushed through with a great performance, despite a few minor music malfunctions. Team 4 that included Alpha Omicron Pi, Theta Chi, and Zeta Beta Tau also delivered a strong performance and a great storyline for the portrayal of the Green Lantern. Gamma Phi Beta and Pi Kappa Tau, Team 5, delivered a rather risque and entertaining routine portraying Wonder Woman in a creative way that integrated numerous aspects of greek life. Team Captain America, which included Delta Gamma and Kappa Sigma, came in full force with great participation. Lastly, was team 7 who was team Iron Man and included Delta Delta Delta, Sigma Chi, and Pi Kappa Alpha.

The night was an overall success with entertaining performances for a great cause. Delta Gamma held on to their title and took the first place along with Kappa Sigma. With second going to Delta Zeta and Sigma Pi and third place to Alpha Omicron Pi, ZBT, and Theta Chi. The Greek community raised over $18,000 from this event alone to donate to Camp One Heartland which greatly exceeded last years total. It was a successful event and a great start to the rest of Greek Week.

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