Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why Greek Life?

Here at CSULB, there are numerous outlets that allow students to get involved on campus and meet new people, one of the most common and well known are Sororities and Fraternities. These outlets not only allow for lifelong friends and a busy social calendar, they enhance the overall experience of college. With these great attributes comes many misconceptions and rumors that are not necessarily true. There are four values in particular that Cal State Long Beach holds these organizations to.

For one, when you join a sorority or a fraternity you are not paying for friends and constantly party in your free time. Being a member of greek life means that you choose to be a leader on campus, get involved with numerous service and philanthropy opportunities, be successful academically, and of course create friendships that will last for a lifetime. Many students at Long Beach State are extremely involved in other campus outlets and clubs as well. They hold positions on ASI, are part of the President's Ambassadors, as well as well known clubs on campus. These organizations also help to broaden your experiences and offer numerous ways to network.

Second, is the most obvious and the most well known attribute of the Greek system, which of course is friendship. Friendship is the basis of many of fraternities and sororities because of the fact that Cal State Long Beach is large campus. It is sometimes hard to make solid friendships with people, especially when you know absolutely no one. Greek organizations can be a surrogate family for those far from home, the support system you need when struggling with classes, and the friends that last for the rest of your life.

The Greek community also embraces service, and the importance of giving back and making a difference in fun and creative ways. Every chapter has a cause that they support, and they always offer numerous ways for students to give back to the community and be very hands-on. This aspect is very important because students are able to really stand behind a cause and fundraise money, while meeting other Greek members.

The last aspect of the Greek system, and one of the most important is scholarship. The fact is that people go to college to learn, and Greek organizations want to make sure that you are successful in your college years. Chapters usually put on events or sponsor study hours to ensure that their members are doing what they came to do in college, learn and graduate. Regardless of your major, you will always be able to find a Greek member that has similar classes and projects. These organization offer support, tutoring if needed, and scholastic awards for those who are working hard.

Overall, being involved in the Greek system will help to enrich the experience of college. There are so many opportunities to meet new people, network with professionals, and better the community. The experience is what you make of it, and can really only enhance the time you spend in college.

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