Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Mr. Heartthrob Pageant

Last year's contestants strutting their stuff in the opening dance
Photo by: Annie Williams

Come check out the much anticipated Mr. Heartthrob pageant this Thursday February 24, 2011 that is put on annually by Alpha Phi Sorority. The event is a male "beauty pageant" that includes one male from each fraternity on campus. The pageant is held each year in the gym at Wilson High School which is quite convenient because it is just minutes from the CSULB campus.

Collectively the gentlemen open the show with a choreographed dance number, then individually perform a talent, swimwear, formal wear, and question and answer section. Junior Kelcie Griffith who help produce the show describes the pageant as, "A great event because not only does it get every fraternity involved, it gets the whole greek community because everyone wants to see what these guys are made of". The show is an audience favorite because all of the contestants "work out some sick dance moves" and really show off their personalities, Griffith said.

The goal of the pageant is to raise money for the Alpha Phi foundation and Women's cardiac care. These causes are something that Alpha Phi has been supporting for quite some time. At the end of World War II, Alpha Phi was looking for a cause that would be beneficial on a international level during peace time. According to the Alpha Phi Foundation website, rheumatic fever was a common and debilitating disease that caused serious damage to the heart. This disease was the number one cause of death for school age children in the United States. They wanted to not only help these children, they wanted to broaden their cause to help anyone. Cardiac aid fit the bill, and numerous chapter all across America and Canada began to donate funds and services for heart health projects. Today, Alpha Phi has recognized that heart disease is the number one killer of women in North America, and has raised over $1 million for the cardiac health initiative. According to President Annie Williams, last year alone their chapter raised over $5000 and hope to exceed that this year.

The event starts at 7pm sharp, but doors open at 6:30pm so come early for good seats. Also, don't forget to buy your ticket, pre-sale tickets are $5,but tickets will also still be sold at the door for $7. The event promises a fun and entertaining night for Greek and non-Greek students alike. For a little taste of what you will expect, check out the opening dance from last years pageant.


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