Sunday, April 10, 2011

Stay Safe and Party On

Going out to parties and social events in college is an extremely normal experience. But one thought that isn't very normal in most college students minds is their safety. For the most part the areas of Long Beach that are close to campus are relatively safe. But there are parts that are quite dangerous for both men and women alike. According to the crime report on the City of Long Beach website, in February 2011 alone there were 87 sexual assaults, 6 known forced rapes, and 68 cases of robbery. What is even scarier, is that a few of those sexual assaults and even robberies have occurred to Long Beach State students and Greek members while they were both coming and going to different parties and events.

These issues are quite serious and happen to more people than one tends to think because of the fact that not all crimes are reported. According to the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN), sexual assault is the most under reported crime, with more than 60% incidents left untold. Because of this fact they found that though some stories are told and brought to justice, only about 6%, or 15 out of 16 rapists will ever spend a day in jail. This is a frightening fact that one fellow Greek member who recently graduated from CSULB, Vanessa Vance, experienced first hand. "I was walking out with a group of people including two guys". The group she was in was confronted by a man with a gun that demanded any belongings that they had. She described it as one of the scariest moments of her life explaining, "I think as girls we allow the presence of a boy to lower our security defenses". She described this as a life changing event saying that, "People ask why I didn't fight back, and to an extent I did, but all I wanted to do was survive, that's all I could do. The purse can be replaced". This story is proof that assault can happen at anytime and to anyone.

It is important to be aware of your surroundings and the people around you, according to the Long Beach Police homepage. The homepage is full of information and statistics for the city of Long BEach, and offers a few tips to remember when you are out. First of all, whenever possible it is important to travel with a friend because it will make you a less vulnerable target. Also, try to stay in well-lighted areas as much as often as you can, and walk confidently, directly and at a steady pace on the side of the street facing traffic. A rapist looks for a target that is alone or seems vulnerable. So when walking, always walk closer to the curb and avoid doorways, alleys and bushes where an attacker could hide. Lastly, if you think that you are being followed, walk quickly to areas where there are lights and people. So the next time you head out to any event at night, remember some of these important tips.

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