Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Congo Tour goes Greek

Invisible Children Flyer used for the Event
Provided by: Christina DeRobertis

Today, the Invisible Children club on campus is sponsoring a screening for a new film entitled "Tony". The event will take place at 7pm in the USU Ballroom. The screening is completely free and will provide food and a raffle for great Invisible Children Merchandise. What makes this event even more unique is that President Christina DeRobertis announced that they will keep track of how many people from various CSULB clubs or organizations attend the event. The organization with the most people in attendance will have a $100 donation to the philanthropy of their choice.

The film is the second documentary that was produced by the Invisible Children Organization. It is set deep in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic, and Sudan in the midst of civil war that has been taking place in Africa over the last few years. It chronicles the Invisible Children team going into the battlefield, and helping rehabilitate the young victims of this gruesome war, which are mainly children. The movie is "An in-depth look at the life of a child in Uganda. Tony was one of the boys that the filmmakers got very close to", Robertis said. It also shows the kind of work that Invisible Children is doing in Uganda and other African countries.

The Invisible Children United (ICU) club is a great organization that is looking to change the world for the better. Their goal is to "raise awareness and empower the students of this campus to create real and lasting change for invisible children (or invisible circumstances) all over the world" according to their website. One supporter Tim Caswell, a member of Kappa Sigma, said "I originally showed up to support the cause because someone in the Greek community was one of the main persons putting it on and I wanted to show support. Once I got there I found out what it was about and decided to help in any way that I could".

This is event is one of numerous fundraising events that ICU has throughout the semester. All proceeds that they receive go to Invisible Children's school programs as well as Sacred Heart secondary, which is their sister school in Uganda. If you are interested in donating or getting involved they meet Wednesdays at 5pm in the USU-305. Take advantage of this great club on campus, and help out your Greek organization as well!

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